How to limit the search scope without lookbehinds?

Given a regular expression, I can easily decide where to start looking for a match from in a string using lastIndex.
Now, I want to make sure that the match I get doesn’t go past a certain point in the string.

I would happily enclose the regular expression in a non-capturing group and append, for instance, (?<=^.{0,8}).

But how can I achieve the same goal without lookbehinds, that still aren’t globally supported?


  • While it might be the only reasonable fallback, slicing the string is not a good option as it results in a loss of context for the search.


with the base regular expression that:

  • matches the letter ‘a’, at least once and as many times as possible
  • as long as an ‘X’ comes later

We can see that we can achieve our goal with a lookbehind: we still get a match, shorter.
However, if we sliced the string, we would lose the match (because the lookahead in the base regular expression would fail).