How to refactor my code so it’s not repeating the same thing

I have 3 different buttons on my page, and when you click on one it checks the corresponding radio button.

Currently I have each button with it’s own onclick function:

And then here are the functions:

function radioChecked1() {
    var package1 = document.querySelector("#package1");
        package1.setAttribute("checked", 1);
    function radioChecked2() {
        var package2 = document.querySelector("#package2");
        package2.setAttribute("checked", 1);
    function radioChecked3() {
        var package3 = document.querySelector("#package3");
        package3.setAttribute("checked", 1);


These functions are doing the same thing, the only thing that changes is the number in the id of the input it’s selecting. I’m sure there’s a way to simplify this into one function instead of a separate one for each button, I just don’t know how to do it.