Why are my JavaScript questions not populating for my quiz?

I’m trying to create a little quiz on JavaScript (new to coding and just learning how to tie JS into HTML and CSS) and cannot seem to get the questions to show up.

I’ve tried to make sure that I’ve included the link for JavaScript in the html file, make sure that I added a link for jQuery for the $ in the head (seem to be getting an error from JS line 98 for the ($) according to the console) and at this point not really sure where to go.

// setting up an array and sending the questions, number, options, and answers
var questions = [
  //Question #1
    id: 1,
    question: "What is JavaScript?",
    a: "A scripting language used to make the website interactive",
    b: "A cup of Joe",
    c: "An assembly language used to make the website interactive",
    d: "Not any of these answers",
    answer: "a"
  //Question #2
    id: 2,
    question: "JavaScript is an _____language?",
    a: "Object-Oriented",
    b: "Procedural",
    c: "Object-Based",
    d: "All of the Above",
    answer: "a"
  //Question #3
    id: 3,
    question: "Which of the following is not a JavaScript data type?",
    a: "Undefined",
    b: "Number",
    c: "Null",
    d: "All of the Above",
    answer: "d"
  //Question #4
    id: 4,
    question: "Which of the following can be used to call a JavaScript Code Snippet?",
    a: "Function/Method",
    b: "RMI",
    c: "Preprocessor",
    d: "Triggering Event",
    answer: "a"
  //Question #5
    id: 5,
    question: "Which symbol is used to separate JavaScript statements?",
    a: "Colon (:)",
    b: "Underscore (_)",
    c: "Semicolon (;)",
    d: "Comma (,)",
    answer: "c"

const question = document.getElementById("question");
const answers = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("answers"));
const questionCounterText = document.getElementById('counter');
const scoreText = document.getElementById("score");

let questionCounter;
let score;
const MAX_Questions = 5;

let acceptingAnswers;

startGame = () => {
  questionCounter = 0;
  score = 0;
  acceptingAnswers = true;
  availableQuestions = getRandomQuestions(questions, MAX_QUESTIONS);

const getRandomQuestions = (arr, n) => {
  let len = arr.length;
  if (n > len) {
    throw new RangeError(
      "getRandomQuestions: more elements taken than are available"

  const shuffled = [...arr].sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random());

  return (selected = shuffled.slice(0, n));

const getNewQuestion = () => {
  if (availableQuestions.length === 0) {
    alert("End of the game");
    alert("You scored " + score + " points!")

  questionCounterText.innerText = `${questionCounter}/${MAX_QUESTIONS}`;

  currentQuestion = availableQuestions[0];
  console.log("current question --> ", currentQuestion.question);
  question.innerText = currentQuestion.question;

  answers.forEach((answer) => {
    if (!acceptingAnswers) {
      //console.log("not accepting");
    acceptingAnswers = false;
    const clickedAnswer = e.target;
    const answeredLetter = clickedAnswer.dataset["answer"]

    let classToApply = "incorrect";

    if (answeredLetter === currentQuestion.answer) {
      scoreText.innerText = score;
      classToApply = "incorrect";


    setTimeout(() => {
      acceptingAnswers = true;
    }, 1000);


var highScore = [];
h1 {
  font-weight: 400;
  background-color: darkgray;

#introduction {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-between;

.prefix {
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 20px;

#score {
  text-align: center;

.question-holder {
  height: 75px;
  align-items: center;
  text-align: center;

.answer-card {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: initial;
  margin-bottom: 3px;
  font-size: 20px;

.answer-prefix {
  background-color: ghostwhite;
  color: black;
  padding: 4px 2px;
  margin: 0;

.answer-text {
  padding: 6px;
  width: 100%;
  margin: 0;

.answer-container:hover {
  cursor: pointer;
  box-shadow: 0 2px 3.4px 0 rgb(87, 158, 184);

.correct {
  background-color: rgb(45, 167, 45);

.incorrect {
  background-color: rgb(201, 65, 85);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <h1 class="page-title">Fun JavaScript Quiz</h1>

<div class="container my-5">
  <div id="introduction">
    <div class="counter">
      <p class="prefix">Question:</p>
      <h1 id="counter">1/10</h1>
  <div class="score">
    <p class="prefix">Your Score</p>
    <h1 id="score" class="score">0</h1>
<div class="question-holder row">
  <div class="col-12">
    <h1 id="question">What's the right answer to this question?</h1>

<div id="answer-container">
  <div class="col-12">
    <div class="answer-card card">
      <p class="answer-prefix">A</p>
      <p class="answer-text answers" data-answer="a"> Answer A</p>

<div class="col-12">
  <div class="answer-card card">
    <p class="answer-prefix">B</p>
    <p class="answer-text answers" data-answer="b"> Answer B</p>

<div class="col-12">
  <div class="answer-card card">
    <p class="answer-prefix">C</p>
    <p class="answer-text answers" data-answer="c"> Answer C</p>

<div class="col-12">
  <div class="answer-card card">
    <p class="answer-prefix">D</p>
    <p class="answer-text answers" data-answer="d"> Answer D</p>