How to detect when the element visibility changes (not only :visible, but also visibility visible/hidden)

How to detect when a element in page changes visibility?

Please read good the question.

The reference it’s not only to :visible pseudo selector, but also on visibility visible/hidden.

After some search you could find that there’s a plugin that does this job.

Snippet here:

<script src=""></script>
"use strict";
((typeof jQuery === "function") && !((function($,w){
        detectVisibilityChange : function(callback) {
            return this;

        checkForVisiblilityChange : function(callback) {

            if(!(this.length >>>0 ))
                return undefined;

            var elem,i=0;

            while ( ( elem = this[ i++ ] ) ) {
                var curValue = $(elem).is(":visible");

                (elem.lastVisibility === undefined) && (elem.lastVisibility = curValue);

                (curValue !== elem.lastVisibility) && (

                    elem.lastVisibility = curValue,

                    (typeof callback === "function") && (
                        callback.apply(this, [new jQuery.Event('visibilityChanged'), curValue ? "shown" : "hidden"])
                    (function(elem, curValue, w){
                            $(elem).trigger('visibilityChanged',[curValue ? "shown" : "hidden"])
                    })(elem, curValue, w)

            (function(that, a, w){
            })(this, arguments, w)
})(jQuery, window))) || console.error("detectVisibilityChange plugin requires jQuery")

            <button id="toggle_visiblity" type="button" style="display: block;"> Hide / Show div</button>
            <div id="test_hidden" style="display: none;">EVENT (also when close this)</div>
                var visible = $("#test_hidden").is(":visible")
                $("#test_hidden")[visible ? "hide" : "show"]();
            $("#test_hidden").detectVisibilityChange(function(e, visibility){
                console.log("Visibility changes: " + visibility , e)

but it works only for :visible pseudo selector (not for visibility visible/hidden) and if you try to expand the selection from a single element $("#test_hidden") to a class $(".class") or each element in page $("*") it does not work well.

So, in the end, how to detect when a page element changes visibility?

There’s a way to modify this, or there’s also an other way to have the required result?