Return mongo _id to client after processing in Bull queue

basically what the title says, I’m having trouble with returning the id that mongo database sets into an object because the same has already passed through a bull queue so the “res” object is not available to use.

What i want is basically, when you add an object to the database to have the id returned to Postman.

Here is the process:

Router"/sales/transactions", (req, res) => {
  salesControllerInstance.addRequestToQueue(req.body, res);


async addRequestToQueue(req, res) {
    const request = await this.bullServiceInstance.addToQueue(req);

    return request;

In the transactionQueue.process i get the _id in the result from the createTransaction func, but how do i get that result to the client is my issue.

module.exports = class BullService {
  constructor() {
    this.transactionQueue = new Queue("transaction-Queue");

    this.transactionQueue.process(async (saleCheck, done) => {
      const result = await this.createTransaction(;
      done(); //done(null, { transactionId: result });
