Leaflet update current position of different markers

I have some problems to update the current position of different markers on leaflet. Here the script:

let coordinate = <?php

                 if (isset($_SESSION['layout_data'])) {
                 $var = $_SESSION['layout_data'];
                 } else {
                 $var = "vuoto";
                 echo json_encode($var);

                var map = L.map('map', {
                    crs: L.CRS.Simple,
                    minZoom: 0

                var bounds = [
                    [0, 0],
                    [1200, 1200]
                var sfondo = <?php echo json_encode($_SESSION['imageFile']) ?>;
                sfondo = sfondo[0].replace('..', '../GC_Solar_Hub');
                var image = L.imageOverlay(sfondo, bounds).addTo(map);


                mapdiv = document.getElementById("map")

                /* Marker */
                var icona = L.icon({
                    iconUrl: 'img/map-marker.svg'

                var marker = [];
                if (coordinate.lenght != 0) {
                    for (i = 0; i < coordinate.length; i++) {
                        marker[i] = L.marker([coordinate[i][1], coordinate[i][2]], {
                                icon: icona,
                                draggable: true,
                            .bindTooltip(coordinate[i][0], {
                                permanent: true,
                                direction: 'center',
                                offset: [19, 23],
                                className: "my-labels"
                            .bindPopup("<b>ID modulo: </b>" + coordinate[i][0] + ", " + "<b>Seriale modulo: </b>" + coordinate[i][3] + "<br>" + (coordinate[i][6] != undefined ? ("<b>ID ottimizzatore: </b>" + coordinate[i][6] + ", " + "<b>Seriale ottimizzatore: </b>" + coordinate[i][5]) : ''), {
                                offset: [19, 5]

                        document.getElementById("lat" + i).value = marker[i].getLatLng().lat.toFixed(3);
                        document.getElementById("long" + i).value = marker[i].getLatLng().lng.toFixed(3);
                        /* ev.target.appendChild(document.getElementById(dati)); */

                        marker[i].on('dragend', function(e) {
                            document.getElementById("lat" + i).value = marker[i].getLatLng().lat.toFixed(3);
                            document.getElementById("long" + i).value = marker[i].getLatLng().lng.toFixed(3);

The script works until the last part. I’m able to show the start position of all markers but not update the current one if I move one of them in the map. Thanks for the help!