Laragear / WebAuthn ERROR POST /webauthn/register 422 at webauthn.js:159


Please i am trying to use Laragear/WebAuthn in my app i have to upgrade to laravel 9 in other this package

after setting up i got an Issue registering Device…
I get 422 Error Code

Here is the response from console

POST 422
#fetch @ webauthn.js:159
register @ webauthn.js:317
await in register (async)
(anonymous) @ settings:1690
dispatch @ jquery.min.js:3
q.handle @ jquery.min.js:3

Response {type: 'basic', url: '', redirected: false, status: 422, ok: false, …}

Here are my codes for registration

const webAuthn = new WebAuthn({
    registerOptions: '/webauthn/register/options',
    register: '/webauthn/register',

.then(response => {
    //My Codes
.catch(response => {
   //My Codes

Please How will i solve this or what could be the problem