I have such code in my Form component which basically renders list of checkboxes based on array coming from props.
{permissions?.map((permissions) => {
return (
<Styled.FormItem key={permissions.name}>
control={<Checkbox color={'primary'} />}
As I understand from Formik documentation sample for checkboxes in this way I get permissions
field in values with array of checked values. And this works fine until I want to make some of the fields be prechecked when I open the form.
I am using withFormik
HOC in such way
const EditRoleFormFormik = withFormik<FormProps, any>({
mapPropsToValues: ({ role }) => {
const permissions = role?.permissions.map(({ name }) => {
return { name };
return { id: role?.id, name: role?.name, permissions: ['AB_TEST_VIEW'] };
enableReinitialize: true,
handleSubmit: (values: Partial<Role>, { props: { onSubmit } }) => {
My assumption was that by defining permissions field in mapPropsToValues
I can make some fields prechecked (since above I hardcoded only AB_TEST_VIEW I expected only this to be prechecked). But this doesn’t work. How can I precheck checkboxes using this approach?