JS in USERSCRIPTS for tampermonkey

What i am trying to do is get my script to do is click the button on the webpage once the page loads and i had the script running but it was not actually clicking the button

this is the code

var $ = window.jQuery;

(document).ready(function() {
var crimePage = "https://camorra.world/crime/crime.php";
var gtaPage = "https://camorra.world/crime/gta.php";
var AmmoFactory = "https://camorra.world/business/ammo.php";
var KillPractice = "https://camorra.world/crime/killpractice.php";
var Times = "https://camorra.world/user/dashboard.php?times=";

 function bodyContains(string) {
    return $("body:contains('" + string + "')").length > 0;
if ($(location).attr('href') == gtaPage) {
    if (bodyContains("Grand Theft Auto")) {
        $(':button').each(function() {
            if (($(this).class() != "submit") && ($(this).class() != "submit") &&         ($(this).txt() != "Steal car from the street")) {
        $("input[button=Steal car from the street]").click();


I am very new to this so when answering could you be very detailed so that i know how to fix this correctly if you need more info just let me know and i will post what ever you need.

Thank you,