Sentry erroring runtime with “Sentry Logger [error]: SentryError: SDK not enabled, will not capture event.”

I have Sentry setup which sort of works. I am trying to improve it and one of the issues is that I get his error rather randomly and I cannot catch what is happening to cause it.

I have Nest app, and call the forRoot method in AppModule:

const rootDir = __dirname || process.cwd();

  imports: [
      dsn: process.env.SENTRY_KEY,
      tracesSampleRate: 0.1,
      debug: true,
      normalizeDepth: 0, //Avoid normalizing contexts to achieve better explainability
      maxValueLength: 1024 * 10, //Increase maximum length of payload value to 10Kb
      integrations: [
        new RewriteFrames({
          root: rootDir,
        }) as any,
  controllers: [],
  providers: [],
export class AppModule {
  configure(consumer: MiddlewareConsumer): void {
      path: "*",
      method: RequestMethod.ALL,

The setup is using a middleware:

@Injectable({ scope: Scope.REQUEST })
export class SentryInterceptor implements NestInterceptor {
  constructor(private sentryService: SentryService) {}

  intercept(context: ExecutionContext, next: CallHandler): Observable<GenericRecord> {
    // start a child span for performance tracing
    const span = this.sentryService.startChild({ op: `route handler` });

    return next.handle().pipe(
      catchError((error) => {
        // capture the error, you can filter out some errors here
        Sentry.captureException(error, this.sentryService.span?.getTraceContext());

        // throw again the error
        return throwError(() => error);
      finalize(() => {

My two main problems are:
1. I randomly get

Sentry Logger [error]: SentryError: SDK not enabled, will not capture event.
    at new SentryError (/node_modules/@sentry/src/error.ts:9:5)
    at NodeClient.BaseClient._processEvent (/node_modules/@sentry/src/baseclient.ts:543:34)
    at NodeClient.BaseClient._captureEvent (/node_modules/@sentry/src/baseclient.ts:504:17)
    at NodeClient.BaseClient.captureEvent (/node_modules/@sentry/src/baseclient.ts:163:12)
    at NodeClient.captureEvent (/node_modules/@sentry/src/client.ts:84:30)
    at Hub._invokeClient (/node_modules/@sentry/src/hub.ts:500:30)
    at Hub.captureEvent (/node_modules/@sentry/src/hub.ts:264:10)
    at Transaction.finish (/node_modules/src/transaction.ts:152:22)
    at Subscription.<anonymous> (/dist/apps/api/webpack:/apps/api/src/sentry/sentry.interceptor.ts:29:34)
    at Subscription.unsubscribe (/node_modules/rxjs/src/internal/Subscription.ts:92:22)

2. My errors get converted to 500 in Sentry