My Older Heroku App is crashing – Unclear why

I recently updated an older ‘Yelp Camp’ Heroku app of mine from version 16 to 22. My hope was that this would allow the site to deploy and work correctly. Unfortunately it is continuing to crash on the landing page pretty consistently, and will not load any pages beyond that.

As stated its a very older app that I’m attempting to relearn how I coded. My concern is maybe that some of the languages have updated. I’ve attached my Heroku logs in the hopes that this can provide clarity as to where I should look, and would appreciate that guidance.

path = "/home/andy/damp-hollows-70339/routes/campgrounds.js"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = 3852045 b - c276 - 49 fd - aff8 - 32486 c7aec94 fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 35: 27.303417 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/favicon.ico"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = afaa9a94 - d35d - 4 c6b - 8 cc0 - 5802246 b969c fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 35: 32.022167 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/home/andy/damp-hollows-70339/routes/campgrounds.js"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = f3a57d61 - 707 a - 4 b1e - 9 fc6 - 6 a2efcaf09d4 fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 35: 32.275830 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/favicon.ico"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = 3621 bfcc - f780 - 409 c - a3ca - 9e dc288ef7fc fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 36: 26.866014 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/home/andy/damp-hollows-70339/views/campgrounds/campgrounds.ejs"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = d656eda2 - f259 - 4 c1b - 98 f2 - 26030 dd77cfa fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 36: 27.194382 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/favicon.ico"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = 5e e74682 - d42a - 4e1 d - 8 d2d - 621 bd49ab030 fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 36: 29.558789 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/stylesheets/landing.css"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = ce41964a - 5464 - 4 c59 - b694 - bfe263b14475 fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 36: 29.862076 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/favicon.ico"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = 318991 a7 - e356 - 43e d - b6d1 - 68841428168 b fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 36: 31.753615 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/campgrounds"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = e23d9aa1 - e088 - 4 c30 - 8e71 - 4 f81b8ca805d fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 36: 32.184740 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/favicon.ico"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = c9b9ae97 - 5795 - 47 f8 - 9 bf8 - 0 aa77b6d20b9 fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 36: 35.636431 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/stylesheets/landing.css"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = 95741699 - cd57 - 4 ab4 - 9 a8b - 57e20 f6cadee fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 36: 35.757374 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/favicon.ico"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = 70 d93f4e - 460 b - 4130 - b23d - b9dcb5db8e5d fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 36: 37.134810 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = f6f304ef - c569 - 49 a7 - b6a5 - ab87be2f527a fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 36: 37.426383 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/favicon.ico"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = ff78a1ab - f175 - 4e9 f - 8 cc2 - fb0c92e98434 fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 37: 46.206828 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = 4 a77430f - 479 f - 4 f61 - b766 - ead8fcab6f2e fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 37: 46.490662 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/favicon.ico"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = 702 df354 - aa6a - 4020 - ad62 - c6478fabca54 fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 37: 55.836592 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = a71be8de - 17 b9 - 4 cfb - 8 ff3 - e487c8e0c684 fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 37: 56.106191 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/favicon.ico"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = abebbbc7 - 46 bf - 4150 - bff4 - 51e806649 c9a fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 38: 05.987554 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = c4fe2c86 - ddbe - 4556 - a724 - b2bb4c5f08c5 fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https
2022 - 06 - 18 T20: 38: 06.235170 + 00: 00 heroku[router]: at = error code = H10 desc = "App crashed"
method = GET path = "/favicon.ico"
host = damp - hollows - 70339. request_id = 42 d3a9b5 - d61a - 44 ad - bd17 - 6e c8c3aa4864 fwd = ""
dyno = connect = service = status = 503 bytes = protocol = https