Cypress – Use Chance JS to generate Data and store that Data for use later

Essentially what I want to do is generate a name using ChanceJS for a test case within cypress, but in a separate file / test case I want to be able to recall that name that I generated earlier so I can select it / check it exists.

I have cut down these code snippets a fair bit so they wont make total sense.

I have tried having my own file with a constant in it called constants.js

 export const constants = {
    ITEM: chance.word()

and then having something like this in a test file

import { constants } from '../constants';
//Add Item
it('Add a Item', function(){
cy.get('.dx-datagrid-toolbar-button > .dx-button-content > .dx-icon').click({force: true})
cy.get('[id$=_Name]').type(constants.ITEM) // using my random name for the item name

and then later I try to use it again to select the item in a separate file

import { constants } from '../constants';
it('Add Data', function(){
cy.get('[id$=_TaskId]').type(constants.ITEM)    //typing my random name in so I can select it as its now part of a drop making up this new piece of data  
cy.contains(constants.ITEM).type('{enter}')     //trying to press enter so I select my item

But the issue I am having is that it is generating a new random name which means im trying to select something that is not there. I’m not sure if every time I import it on a new file to be used that’s what’s causing it to re-generate?

I guess I could do with some pointers or a better solution to my issue.