Help in understanding below line:
return { …acc, [firstLetter]: […(acc[firstLetter] || []), cur] };
// Write a function that takes an array of strings as argument
// Group those strings by their first letter
// Return an object that contains properties with keys representing first letters
// The values should be arrays of strings containing only the corresponding strings
// For example, the array [‘Alf’, ‘Alice’, ‘Ben’] should be transformed to
// { a: [‘Alf’, ‘Alice’], b: [‘Ben’]}
function myFunction(arr) {
return arr.reduce((acc, cur) => {
const firstLetter = cur.toLowerCase().charAt(0);
return { ...acc, [firstLetter]: [...(acc[firstLetter] || []),
cur] };
}, {});
Test Cases:
myFunction([‘Alf’, ‘Alice’, ‘Ben’])
Expected { a: [‘Alf’, ‘Alice’], b: [‘Ben’]}
myFunction([‘Ant’, ‘Bear’, ‘Bird’])
Expected { a: [‘Ant’], b: [‘Bear’, ‘Bird’]}
myFunction([‘Berlin’, ‘Paris’, ‘Prague’])
Expected { b: [‘Berlin’], p: [‘Paris’, ‘Prague’]}