Render a razor component in a new browser tab and pass a list of objects to it

I’m trying to create a control that opens a razor component and displays the objects sent to the page after a user clicks a Print button. Using the IJSRuntime.InvokeAsync() the blank page opens to a blank component page but the objects are not being captured.
Here is the button onclick event-

    public async Task PrintViewableOrderPackingSlips()
        OrdersToPrint = OrdersToPack.Where(o => o.IsOrderVisible).ToList();        

        await IJS.InvokeAsync<object[]>("open", "/PrintPackingSlip", "_blank", new object[]{ OrdersToPrint });   


That invokes this razor component page

@layout Blazing_Fruit.Pages.BlankLayout

@page "/PrintPackingSlip"

<body onload="window.print()">

    <Div>print page</Div>  



    public JsonContent orders { get; set; }

    public List<UnshippedOrder> value { get; set; }


Obviously I’m not capturing the object passed over because I get this error in the originating page

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: cyclic object value

and this error in the new component window

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Found malformed component comment at Blazor:{“sequence”:0,”type”:”server”,”prerenderId”:”aa8c4268d131416eb85784e2fcf8549f”,”descriptor”:

How can I pass my list of objects to the new component?