If there is a matching value in the object, how do I rotate the object?

 "name": "Albania",
 "topLevelDomain": : [
 "callingCodes": [1 item],
 "capital": "Tirana",
 "altSpellings":  [
 "region": "Europe",
 "population": 2837743,
 "latlng": [2 items],
 "demonym": "Albanian",
 "area": 28748,
 "gini": 33.2,
 "timezones": [1 item],
 "borders": [4 items],
 "nativeName": "Shqipëria",
 "numericCode": "008",
 "flags": {2 items},
 "currencies": [1 item],
 "languages": [
                 "iso639_1": "sq",
                 "iso639_2": "sqi",
                 "name": "Albanian",
                 "nativeName": "Shqip"
 "translations": {11 items},

If there is a matching value in the object according to the input from the user, I want to return those objects. For example, I want to find the single object where the id is “Albani” and return that object or I want to find the only value where the id is “Shqip” and return that object.

 return obj