How to skip a specific Div-Area while replacing text in DOM-Nodes

A browser add-on replaces some words on a website. This part works! Now I want to skip a specific area on the site. How can I skip/exclude anything within “” or “”?

The pages structure is this:

<body id="chat">
<div id="chatBar">
  <ul class="chat_bar_list">

This part does the replacement-job:

function replaceText (node) {
    if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
        // My try to skip specific area here (doesn't work)
        //if (document.getElementById("chatBar")) {
        //  return;
        let content = node.textContent;
        for (let [word, emoji] of langMap) {
          const regex = regexs.get(word);
          content = content.replace(regex, emoji);
        node.textContent = content;
  else {
    // This node contains more than just text, call replaceText() on each
    // of its children.
    for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {