How to check array of object with object based on condition using javascript

For a array of objects, and arrays

how to check based on conditions using javascript

In the array of objects, arrobj and obj

  1. get the array of object having same value property and valueid property

  2. If codevalue and cid value not same and cid value includes in listcode return empty array of object []

    else return that array of object by codevalue and cid in javascript

var listcode =["IN","FI", "FR"];
var arrobj =[
  {id:1, name: "abc", cid: "IN", value: "A1234"},
  {id:2, name: "xyz", cid: "SG", value: "B3456"},
  {id:3, name: "abi", cid: "SP", value: "B3456"},
  {id:4, name: "ken", cid: "FI", value: "C5678"},
var obj={
  id:5, name: "cool", codevalue: "SP", valueid:"B3456"

Expected Output
// codevalue and cid has same value and listcode value does not have, so fetch by value and valueid
  {id:3, name: "abi", cid: "SP", value: "B3456"},
  {id:2, name: "xyz", cid: "SG", value: "B3456"}

var listcode =["IN","FI","FR"];
var arrobj1 =[
  {id:1, name: "abc", cid: "IN", value: "A1234"},
  {id:2, name: "xyz", cid: "FI", value: "B3456"},
  {id:3, name: "abi", cid: "IN", value: "B3456"},
  {id:4, name: "ken", cid: "FI", value: "C5678"},
var obj1={
  id:5, name: "cool", codevalue: "SP", valueid:"B3456"
Expected Output
// not same cid and codevalue, all cid value have listcode


var listcode =["IN","FI","FR"];
var arrobj2 =[
  {id:1, name: "abc", cid: "IN", value: "A1234"},
  {id:2, name: "xyz", cid: "FI", value: "B3456"},
  {id:3, name: "abi", cid: "SG", value: "B3456"},
  {id:4, name: "ken", cid: "FI", value: "C5678"},
var obj2={
  id:5, name: "cool", codevalue: "FI", valueid:"B3456"
Expected Output
// not same cid and codevalue, cid value dont have listcode value
 {id:2, name: "xyz", cid: "FI", value: "B3456"},
  {id:3, name: "abi", cid: "SG", value: "B3456"}

const result = arrobj.filter(e => e.value === obj.valueid && listcode.includes(e.cid));