ReactMarkdown not working with React Syntax Highlighter

how are you? I’m building a blog and using ReactMarkdown, and I want to render a custom component for the code blocks like this:

     code({ node, inline, children, className, ...props }) {
          return <PrismHighlighter children={children}  {...props} />;

And my ‘PrismHighlighter’ file consists in the following:

import { Prism as SyntaxHighlighter } from 'react-syntax-highlighter';
import { nightOwl } from 'react-syntax-highlighter/dist/cjs/styles/prism';

const SyntaxHighlight = ({ props, children }) => (
  <SyntaxHighlighter style={nightOwl} language="javascript" showLineNumbers {...props}>

export default SyntaxHighlight;

The problem is the following: ReactMarkdown is receiving a string for the code (what is okay), like this:

nucleus_dataset =
nucleus.create_dataset("PennFudan") DATASET_ID =['dataset_id'] # Save unique ID for future use

def format_img_data_for_upload(img_dir: str): """Instantiates a
Nucleus DatasetItem for all images in the PennFudan dataset.

Parameters ---------- img_dir : str
The filepath to the image directory

Returns ------- List[DatasetItem]
A list of DatasetItem that can be uploaded via the Nucleus API """ img_list = [] for img_filename in os.listdir(img_dir):
img_id = img_filename.split('.')[0]
item = DatasetItem(
image_location=os.path.join(img_dir, img_filename),
img_list.append(item) return img_list

img_list = format_img_data_for_upload(IMG_DIR)

response = nucleus_dataset.append(img_list)

But ReactMarkdown sends to PrismHighlighter an array of objects, like this:
example of what ReactMarkdown sends

This results of PrismHighlighter avoiding several lines and showing only half or less of the code, like this:

So, does anyone knows what happening here? I’m struggling with this for days now. Thanks!