I am trying to find substring from an HTML string by ignoring the commented code. I have tried something like below but it is nor giving me expected result , Any pointer will be really appreciated.
let a = `<div data-bind="attr: {id: componentId + 'MasterDetailContainer'}"
style="height: 100%; width: 100%">
<!-- master --> <!-- Bug 31793483 adding aria label -->
<div role="navigation" data-bind="attr: {id: componentId + 'MasterDetailStartDrawer'}">`;
let databindIndex =a.indexOf('data-bind');
//Get all the data till next valid starting tag ignoring commented code
let data =a.indexOf(/<ws/g,databindIndex);
Expected output
`data-bind="attr: {id: componentId + 'MasterDetailContainer'}"
style="height: 100%; width: 100%">
<!-- master --> <!-- Bug 31793483 adding aria label -->`