How to get longitude and latitude data from an array inside object and display them as google map link on output

How can I get the coordinates and display them as a google map link on the output. I couldn’t figure out and any advice would be much helpful. Thank you.

function searchCity(city) {
    //var r=JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
    document.getElementById("searchvalues").innerHTML = "Search by City" + "<br>";
    //structure table
    var output = "<tr><th> Location </th><th> City </th><th> Phone </th><th> Vaccine Type </th><th> Map Link</th></tr>";
    var searchid;
    var map = obj.point{coordinates:[]};;
    for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
        var obj = r[i];
        searchid =; 
        if (searchid.startsWith(city.toUpperCase())) {
            output += "<tr><td>";
            output += obj.location;
            output += "</td><td>";
            output +=;
            output += "</td><td>";
            output +=;
            output += "</td><td>";
            output += obj.vaccinetype;
            output += "</td><td>";
            output += <a href='' + map + ' target=_blank'> Click here to see map </a>;
            output += "</td></tr>";            
    document.getElementById("searchresults").innerHTML = output;
