How can I do generic function with return TypedEmitter

I want to make a tiny system that hold emitter for specific interface like this.

I am using

Please help me what I am do wrong. Thanks you alot.

interface IEvenListener

interface IPlayerJoinedListener extends IEvenListener
    onPlayerJoined: (playerId: string) => void;

let emitter: TypedEmitter = ...;

function getEmitter<T extends IEvenListener>(): TypedEmitter<T> // error here
    return emitter as TypedEmitter<T>;

const messageEmitter = getEmitter<IPlayerJoinedListener>();

But it print out error

Type 'T' does not satisfy the constraint 'ListenerSignature<T>'.
Type 'IEvenListener' is not assignable to type 'ListenerSignature<T>'.ts(2344)