Send requests to sogo calendar

I’m currently really lost and need your help guys. The problem is quiet easy, but I’m not able to find anything useful on that. On my server I implemented SOGo. I now want to write an read events from a certraint calendar. Therefore, I use the libary tsdav. I can read events with the following code:

const client = await createDAVClient({
    serverUrl: '',
    homeUrl: '',
    credentials: {
        username: username,
        password: password,
    authMethod: 'Basic',
    defaultAccountType: 'caldav',

const calendars = await client.fetchCalendars();

const result = getBasicAuthHeaders({
    username: username,
    password: password,

const events = await fetchCalendarObjects({
    calendar: calendars[0],
    headers: result,

The problem though is that I can’t write events. The library tsdav uses a put method to write events with the createCalendarObject() function. But SOGo allows no put methods.

I’m looking for a way to send a simple post request to, but I can’t find an docs about endpoints or parameters.