REGEXP for matching or finding only Streetname and housenumber without additionals

This is a regexp specific something that I need to do in the backend to strip the address. I need the streetname + number to be cleaned to a Streetname + housenumber without any additional letters or any other characters with other numbers. For example:

  • Teststreet 123 (correct)
  • Teststreet 123F needs to be stripped to Teststreet 123
  • Teststreet 12 and 3 needs to be stripped to Teststreet 12
  • Teststreet 123,5 needs to be stripped to Teststreet 123
  • Street name long 122 (correct)
  • Street name long 122 – A needs to be stripped to Street name long 122

And so on… does anyone have an idea how I can do this? And anyone an idea what the correct REGEXP for this can be?