PayPal Donate SDK – Prefill Amount and Frequency

I am building an application which includes a custom donation form where users can select:

  • Frequency: monthly, single
  • Amount: 3 x Buttons with values, input for custom value

enter image description here

I am using the PayPal Donate SDK and cannot find a way to pass across the amount or frequency so that the amount is pre-filled and the “make this a monthly donation” checkbox selected/deselected based on the users input.

The PayPal button has been added to the page (just absolute styled over the form button) and the SDK opens the donation page in a modal which is my desired result.

This is the code to display my button:

    env: "sandbox",
    hosted_button_id: "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    onComplete: function() {
        // Redirect to success page, save the PP transaction details, etc.

With the standard PayPal.Buttons API, I am able to pass in a createOrder function like so, where I can set the amount, for example;

    createOrder: function(data, actions) {
        return actions.order.create({
            purchase_units: [{
                amount: {
                    value: document.querySelector(".selected-premium").dataset.value
                reference_id: document.querySelector(".selected-premium").dataset.days + "-days"

Is there a way to pass through the amount and frequency using the SDK, similar to how I can do it with the standard payments API? If not, what are the alternatives in 2022 that don’t rely on SO answers that use docs that no longer exist?