JavaScript : Matcher error: received value must be a function

My questions appear to be duplicates of other questions on stackoverflow. I tried every single solution, but none of them worked.

I have a sns lambda function which return void. I want to throw an error if the orderId does not exist.

When run the test suite. I am getting this error:

Matcher error: received value must be a function

Received has value: undefined

Here is my function

const parseOrdersFromSns = (event: SNSEvent): Payload[] => {
  try {
    return event.Records.flatMap((r) => JSON.parse(r.Sns.Message));
  } catch (error) {
    Log.error("New order from SNS failed at parsing orders", { event }, error);
    return [];
export const handlerFn = async (event: SNSEvent): Promise<void> => {
  const orders = parseOrdersFromSns(event);

  if (orders.length === 0) return;

  const existingOrders = await Promise.all(
      async (o) => await findOrderStateNode(tagOrderStateId(o.orderId))

  console.log({ orders });

  if (!existingOrders) {
    orders.forEach((o) => {
      throw new Error(
        `Failed to get exisiting order with this orderId: ${o.orderId}`
    // other code staff if there is existing order

Here is my test suite function where I am passing random orderId which is not legit. So, I am expecting error.

describe('Making an order by random uuid', () => {
  integrationTest('should throw an error', async () => {
    const order = {
      orderId: '90073f29-d0df-4eca-b93d-ba1cce0d950a',

    const event = {
      Records: [
          Sns: {
            Message: JSON.stringify([order]),
    } as SNSEvent

// snsListen is my lambda function 

    expect(await snsListen(event)).toThrowError(
      `Failed to get exisiting order with this orderId: ${order.orderId}`,