Basic Automated Test of a Javascript Browser Library

I am using Webpack to build a webapp that is designed for the browser.

After my build process I have two files: index.html and app.bundle.js

To my dismay I have found that the although the development Webpack configuration works the production configuration does not because of errors during minification.

I am looking for the most basic way to run a test that does the following:

  • Opens the index.html file (which contains <script defer="defer" src="app.bundle.js"> and sees if there are any errors when the script contained in app.bundle.js runs

That is it.

I need a full Browser environment (requestianimationframe, fetch, etc.)

I have tried JSDOM and I get Error: Uncaught [ReferenceError: fetch is not defined] which looks like it has a bunch of issues, and then there are a tremendous amount of overlapping libraries and tools like Phantom.js Zombie.js Pupeteer, headless-chrome etc. and I honestly can’t figure out how to just open my app. I have tried to explore all of these tools but they are all complicated.

Ideally I wouldn’t have to create a local webserver, but I’d be fine with that if this is what is required.