How can i deconstruct an array, and put it into the array which is getting mapped on, then continue sorting on that?
Basicly the array looks the following after filtering it:
[‘traitName’, ‘value’],
[‘traitName’, [‘value01’, ‘value02’, ‘value03’ …]
What i want to do is check every trait, and check if the first index is an array, then deconstruct that, and put it into this array like this:
[‘traitName’, ‘value’],
[‘traitName’, value01],
[‘traitName’, value02],
[‘traitName’, value03],
Then i can continue sorting on this array.
.filter((val: any) => val[0] !== 'Attributes' && data.attributes[val[0]] !== undefined)
.sort((a: any, b: any) => {
if (typeof a[1] === 'number') return Infinity;
return (
data.attributes[a[0]]?.values[a[1]]?.distribution - data.attributes[b[0]]?.values[b[1]]?.distribution
I need to this between the filter and sorting i think.