How to disable specific hours in specific dates in jquery datetimepicker (xdan)?

i’m using jquery datetimepicker (from, i want to disable some specific hours in some specific dates. For example, I want to disable 09:00AM option in 29/03/2022 and 10:00AM option in 30/03/2022.

I already found this code, but it doesn’t works. (Inline calendar is running correctly)

The code :

var specificDates = ['29/03/2022','30/03/2022'];
var hoursToTakeAway = [[09,10],[10]];
          var ind = specificDates.indexOf(ct.dateFormat('d/m/Y'));
          $('.xdsoft_time_variant .xdsoft_time').show();
          if(ind !== -1) {
              $('.xdsoft_time_variant .xdsoft_time').each(function(index){
                  if(hoursToTakeAway[ind].indexOf(parseInt($(this).text())) !== -1){