Need to dynamically patch the form Values on Tab change as same component is Rendered

I am Using the Angular Reactive forms and material-ui,and using the mat-tab select element, I want to patch the value on tab Change ,but on ngOnint I am already patch the value for 1 tab but as i rendering the same component on another tab, I want to change the value of formGroup another tab
Please find the screenshot of the tabs which is to be doneenter image description here

On ngOninit I am patching initially the la(life assured) and sp(spouse) form values

 if (clientAs = 'la' && this.merActiveDataLa == '') {
        this.merActiveDataLa = merData
      } else if (clientAs = 'sp' && this.merActiveDataSp == '') {
        this.merActiveDataSp = merData
      if (merData) {


On tabChanged method I am using this concept’

tabchanged(event, forcomponentSection = undefined) {
    // console.log(event)
    if (forcomponentSection) {
      this.selectedTabForLA = event;
      console.log("Tab Valuee ",this.selectedTabForLA);
      if (this.selectedTabForLA == 1) {
        if (this.merActiveDataSp) {
          console.log("I am hereeee22222",this.merFormPayload);
        this.clientAs = 'sp'
      } else {
        if (this.merActiveDataLa) {
          console.log("I am hereeee33333",this.merFormPayload);

        this.clientAs = 'la'
    } else {
      this.selectedTab = event;

Please helps any comments and suggestions would be in advances.