Typescript throwing error: “Spread types may only be created from object types.(2698)”

The code below throws an error when attempting to spread an object after a null check. The error shows subtask as type “never” and then says I can’t use spread because it’s not an object even though I’m clearly checking that subtask exists before spreading it into a new object.

Any idea why this is happening and how I can resolve this error without resorting to removing type safety around the object?

type SubTaskFlow = 'Subtask1' | 'Subtask2'
type Status = 'NotComplete' | 'Complete'
type SubTask = {
  flow: SubTaskFlow
  status: Status

type Task = {
  flow: 'Task1' | 'Task2'
  subtasks: Array<SubTask> 
   status: Status

type Tasks = Array<Task>

const obj1:Task = {
flow: 'Task1' , 
subtasks: [{flow: 'Subtask1', status: 'NotComplete'}, {flow: 'Subtask1', status: 'NotComplete'}],
status: 'NotComplete'
const obj2:Task = {
flow: 'Task2', 
subtasks: [{flow: 'Subtask1', status: 'NotComplete'}, {flow: 'Subtask2', status: 'NotComplete'}],
status: 'NotComplete'

const testFunc = (subtaskFlow: SubTaskFlow, status: Status) => {
const tasks = [obj1, obj2]

    let subtask: SubTask | null = null
    let subtaskToUpdateIndex: number = -1
    let taskWithSubtaskToUpdateIndex: number = -1

    tasks.forEach((task, taskIndex) => {
        if (task.subtasks && task.subtasks.length) {
          // iterate over the subtasks to check for match
          task.subtasks.forEach((_subtask, subtaskIndex) => {
            if (_subtask.flow === subtaskFlow) {
              subtask = _subtask
              subtaskToUpdateIndex = subtaskIndex
              taskWithSubtaskToUpdateIndex = taskIndex


        const testsubtask = {...subtask}

This TS playground better demonstrates the error: