UseContext doesn’t re-execute component

I am experienced javascript developer. However I have to move on react so right now I know few concepts. I’ve been debugging this code for 4 hours and couldn’t find any mistake. I mean, it is probably up to because this hook is a bit confusing.

What app should do? Basically it should display food component based on dummy coded data. It works good. On that newly displayed component should be a form which has input field. When we submit form, that number from the form should be taken and written in a food object. Object should look like this: {Sushi: 0}. Whenever I submit, it should update. Besides that, there isn’t just one property in object. There could be more, for example: {Sushi: 0, Pizza: 0, Cherry: 0}. That depends on dummy data. At the begging of the app it automatically creates this object and push into state. Then, I send state updating function to the child component and when we submit form it updated the state. That works fine. Now on the current component, I have useEffect. That use effect trigers whenever state changes. What it does, it updates context. Now when I update context, in “third” component all the values should be taken and sum of the values should bee displayed. The problem is that, whatever I tried, It doesn’t re-executes that “third” component…


function App() {
return (
    foodState: {},
    setContext: function (val) {
      this.foodState = val;
  <Header />
    <Card className={styles["food-message"]}>
      <h2>Delicious Food, Delivered To You</h2>
        Choose your favourite meal from our broad selection of avaible meets
        and enjoy a delicious lunch or dinner at home.
        All our meals are cooked with high-quality ingredients, just-in-time
        and of course by experienced chefs!
    <FoodContainer foodList={food} />

export default App;

Food container

import react, { useState, useEffect, useReducer, useContext } from "react";

import styles from "./FoodContainer.module.css";
import Card from "../UI/Card/Card";
import FoodComponent from "./FoodComponent";
import FoodStateContext from "../store/food-state-context";

const FoodContainer = (props) => {
const foodList = props.foodList;

const [foodState, setFoodState] = useState({});
const ctx = useContext(FoodStateContext);

useEffect(() => {
let obj = {};
for (let i = 0; i < foodList.length; i++) {
  obj[foodList[i].name] = 0;
}, []);


useEffect(() => {
ctx.foodState = foodState;
}, [foodState]);

return (
<Card className={styles["food-container"]}>
  { => {
    return (


export default FoodContainer;

Food component

import React, { useReducer, useEffect, useContext } from "react";
import styles from "./FoodComponent.module.css";
import Input from "../UI/Input/Input";
import Button from "../UI/Button/Button";

const FoodComponent = (props) => {
const food =;

const formSubmitHandler = (e) => {
props.updateFoodState((prevState) => {
  return {
    []: prevState[] +[0].value,

return (
<div className={styles["food-component"]}>
  <div className={styles["food-component__description"]}>

  <form onSubmit={formSubmitHandler}>
        <Input />
      <Button type="submit">+Add</Button>

export default FoodComponent;

Food context

import react from "react";

const FoodStateContext = react.createContext({
foodState: "",
setContext: (val) => {
this.foodState = val;

export default FoodStateContext;

That third component

import React, { useState, useContext, useEffect } from "react";
import styles from "./Cart.module.css";
import FoodStateContext from "../store/food-state-context";

const Cart = (props) => {
const [totalProductsNumber, setTotalProductsNumber] = useState(0);

const ctx = useContext(FoodStateContext);
useEffect(() => console.log("govna"), [ctx]);

return (
<div className={styles.cart}>
  <p>Your Cart</p>

export default Cart;