Can i reload div automaticly without click events?

i want to togle between 2 carts icon,one display when the cart is empty the second when is not,

<div id="div-icon-cart">
        <span class="tools-icon">

        <?php if ( ! WC()->cart->is_empty() ) { ?>

    <img  decoding="async" src="" class="custom-icon" alt="" height="20.738" width="17.626">      
                <?php } else{ ?>

<!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false -->

but the problem is that the cart icon doesn’t change immediately,i need to refrech the page to upload cart icon.
for that i tried to reload div which contains my cart icon


but doesn’t work and i don’t know why.i would be grateful for any help


  • i cant trriger an event like onClick.
  • the right solution for me is to reload div automaticly