React.js – Styled components – center image in direct div parent with other objects

I understand that question looks pretty easy, but I haven’t found anything helping me.

I have an image inside a div, and I want that image to be centered in that div even if I add, for example, a text.

Here is some code and images to better understand that problem :

If I only have my image in my div (with solid border), all is well :

    <img height = '75px' width = '75px' src={USDCoin}/> 

enter image description here

But adding a text, I can’t figure out how to keep the image in the center of the div (well aligned with the grey lines) and the text below that :

    <img height = '75px' width = '75px' src={USDCoin}/> 

enter image description here

Thank you in advance for your precious help !