Does re-running a map in react re-call the expensive function?

I have the following loop (simplified):

const ExpensiveItems = useMemo(() => {
  return, idx) => {
    const style = {
      marginTop: V_GAP,
      ...(idx === items.length - 1 && { marginBottom: V_GAP }),
    return <ExpensiveComponent style={style} item={item} />;
}, [items]);

return loading ? <div>Loading...</div> 
    : <div>{ExpensiveItems}</div>

Whenever, items changes will the ExpensiveComponent function be called N times where N is the length of items. Or will React diff the props first and only call the ExpensiveComponent function again if and only if the props have changed?

This is possibly premature optimization, but if the ExpensiveComponent function will be called N times each time the items array changes, I’d like to avoid calling it N times if possible, since usually at most 1 item in the items array will change at a given time.

So the question is: If re-calling will call the ExpensiveComponent function N times, is there a way to optimize this map function further so that if a single item in the items array changes, I don’t do that?