How i can create object with nested arrays of objects by array of nested objects

i struggle with this piece of data, trying to convert it using javascript:

    rawCol: "personalemail",
    template: "CONTACTS",
    modifiedCol: "URL"
}, {
    rawCol: "personId",
    template: "CONTACTS",
    modifiedCol: "PERSONCODE"
}, {
    rawCol: "ssn",
    template: "VITALS",
    modifiedCol: "IDENTITY"
}, {
    rawCol: "gender",
    template: "VITALS",
    modifiedCol: "GENDERCODE"
}, {
    rawCol: "ethnic",
    template: "VITALS",
    modifiedCol: "ETHNICCODE"
}, {
    rawCol: "birthdate",
    template: "VITALS",
    modifiedCol: "BIRTHDATE"
},  {
    rawCol: "contactType",
    template: "OTHER",
    modifiedCol: "NETCONTACTTYPE"
}, {
    rawCol: "workemail",
    template: "OTHER",
    modifiedCol: "EMAILADDRESS"

I want to create the following structure: (I want to use the unique template values from the previous nexted objects, as follows)

{rawFile: "personalemail", modifiedCol: "URL"},
{rawFile: "personId", modifiedCol: "PERSONCODE"}
{rawFile: "ssn", modifiedCol: "IDENTITY"},
{rawFile: "gender", modifiedCol: "GENDERCODE"},
{rawFile: "ethnic", modifiedCol: "ETHNICCODE"},
{rawFile: "birthdate", modifiedCol: "BIRTHDATE"},
{rawFile: "contactType", modifiedCol: "NETCONTACTTYPE"},
{rawFile: "workemail", modifiedCol: "EMAILADDRESS"},]

I will be very thankful for a good idea how i can achieve this with a function or method.