How to get “to_do” from a notion block using typescript?

Recently I tried final version of Notion API. Using typescript I made a retrieve block children request:

(async () => {
    const blockId = process.env.BLOCK_ID;
    const response = await notion.blocks.children.list({
        block_id: blockId,
        page_size: 50,

Error message

For some reason typescript tells me that to_do doesn’t exist in type (PartialBlockObjectResponse | BlockObjectResponse). I looked at type definition and… it was there:

declare type BlockObjectResponse = {
    // ...
    type: "to_do";
    to_do: {
        rich_text: Array<RichTextItemResponse>;
        color: ApiColor;
        checked: boolean;
    object: "block";
    id: string;
    created_time: string;
    created_by: {
        id: IdRequest;
        object: "user";
    last_edited_time: string;
    last_edited_by: {
        id: IdRequest;
        object: "user";
    has_children: boolean;
    archived: boolean;
// ...

I tried making type guard

function isToDo(value: PartialBlockObjectResponse | BlockObjectResponse): value is BlockObjectResponse {
     return "to_do" in value;
}  /* Error: TS2304: Cannot find name 'PartialBlockObjectResponse'. */

and importing type from package

import type {PartialBlockObjectResponse} from "@notionhq/client/build/src/api-endpoints"; 
// Error: Module '"@notionhq/client/build/src/api-endpoints"' declares 'PartialBlockObjectResponse' locally, but it is not exported.

Neither helped.