Can a variable be passed to Playwright JS config in global-setup.js file?

JS newbie here so please excuse any misconceptions I may have about JS or Playwright…

I have config.js file setup with projects and for each project I define custom variables (like login creds, etc.). How can I access these values in the global-setup.js file when I use the ““–project=ProjectName“` when I run the test?

I can use testInfo in tests to access these values, but can I access it in global-setup.js, since (as I understand it) is adds to the config object?

I am trying to use one global-setup file for login in with credentials from either one or another project, which are defined in the config.js file.

So I would run this:
npz playwright test testFile.spec.js --project=FirstProject

The playwright.config.js file would have this setup:

    name: "FirstProject",
    username: "blahblah",
    password: "blahblah",

    name: "SecondProject",
    username: "blahblah1",
    password: "blahblah1",

And in global-setup.js I would like to check which project is being used in order to provide the correct credentials — something like this:

module.exports = async config => {
const username = config.projects[${projectName}].username;
const password = config.projects[${projectName}].password;

Is this possible?

Thank you.