Change the image src of a div element in a grid on a keypress event in React

I am building a navigable grid with arrow keys. Everything works fine, but I would like the focused element to change the img when selected from an img to a gif.

I tried to give it the same name that I used to import the image, like the element id tag. But this didn’t work. React interprets the id tag as a string and not the path name to that image.

Any ideas how to get React to interpret the element ID as the image path to look up?

import items from './assets/images/items.png'
import items2 from './assets/images/items.gif' 
 useEffect(() => {
                let i = 0 
                const handleKeyPressed = (e) => {
                        //to focus the right element
                        if (['KeyD', 'ArrowRight'].includes(e.code) ) {
                                i = ++i
                                let menuElement= document.getElementsByClassName('menu-image')[i]
                      "solid 3px"
                                const dynamicString = document.getElementsByClassName('menu-image')[i].id
                                menuElement.src=dynamicString//React interprets it as a string
                window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyPressed);
                return () => {
                window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeyPressed);
}, []);
<div className='menu-grid'>
                <div className="menu-item">
                <img id="items" className="menu-image" alt="a draw of a bag" src={items2} style={{ border: 'solid 3px'}}
                        onPointerOver={e => {
                                e.currentTarget.src = items2
                      "solid 3px"} 
                        onPointerLeave={e => {
                                e.currentTarget.src = items
                      "solid transparent 3px"}
                        <span> Items </span>