Add/Set product Images and gallery images programmatically

I’m getting data from jSON file and trying to setup the images for a product, My goal is –
need to develop a way to extract/download images from JSON responses and set images to related product
//$product_data is getting the response from Json

$product_data = $_REQUEST['data'];
$product = new WC_Product_Simple();
$product->set_name( $product_data['Title'] ); // it's working
$product->set_status( 'publish' );

If it has multiple images that need to be assigned to a product, the first image need to assign as the featured image/thumbnail, and then assign the rest of the images as the product gallery thumbnails.

jSON response of one product

        "SKU": "0000000",
        "Title": "Malt Scotch Whisky",
        "Image1": ";filename=DIAG-5000281045160-1.jpg",
        "Image7": ";filename=DIAG-5000281045160-7.jpg"