Detect when someone use an emoji in discord.js

I made a function in a discord bot that will delete user message, when its lenght is past 100 characters, animated/custom/unicode emojis however bypasses this 100 characters limit (theoretically, 1 emoji is not equal to 1 character, idk how it works) but my bot crash after to many of them. I want to make a function, that will detect these emojis, and if it finds one, just delete this person comment. I was working on something like that.

client.on('messageCreate', message =>{ 
  if(message.content.startsWith(":") && message.content.endsWith(":") || message.content.startsWith("<:") && message.content.endsWith(":>") {
  else {
  if(!message.content.startsWith(prefix) || || message.member.roles.cache.has('828277437242146816')) return;

If you have any other solution, you can share it in a comment.