Recursive loop to build object

I can’t figure out how to explain this right, but I wanna make a function that takes this array:

const tasks = [
    {id: 1, goal: 'Clean apartment', parent_id: null},
    {id: 2, goal: 'Clean bathroom', parent_id: 1},
    {id: 3, goal: 'Clean kitchen', parent_id: 1},
    {id: 4, goal: 'Clean sink', parent_id: 2},
    {id: 5, goal: 'Clean shower', parent_id: 2},
    {id: 6, goal: 'Make app', parent_id: null}


and generates this object:

{id: 1, goal: 'Clean apartment', parent_id: null, children: [
    {id: 2, goal: 'Clean bathroom', parent_id: 1, children: [
        {id: 4, goal: 'Clean sink', parent_id: 2, children: []},
        {id: 5, goal: 'Clean shower', parent_id: 2, children: []},
    {id: 3, goal: 'Clean kitchen', parent_id: 1, children: []},
{id: 6, goal: 'Make app', parent_id: null, children: []}