liveui option of videojs seeking is not working on Chrome browser of android (rest all platforms its working good)

I am unable to see the liveui seek bar in android.
As given in official documentation of videojs ;
“Note: This user interface will not work on Android due to the native live HLS implementation not supporting seekable ranges during live streams. We recommend overriding the native hls implementation with @videojs/http-streaming; this will make the new liveui work.”

But I coundnt find anything to do the same.

These are the options which i have given.

var options = {
    preload: true,
    autoplay: false,                       
    controls: true,
    liveui: true,
    preloadWebComponents: true,
    techOrder: [ 'chromecast', 'html5' ],
    controlBar: {
        'liveDisplay': true,
        'pictureInPictureToggle': false,
        'subsCapsButton': false,