RxJS retry only last item, blocking the stream

I’m trying to use RxJS to process a stream of items, and I would like for it to retry any failures, preferentially with a delay (and exponential backoff if possible), but I need to guarantee the ordering so I effectively want to block the stream, and I don’t want to reprocess any items that were already processed

So I was trying to play with retryWhen, following this example:

const { interval, timer } = Rx;
const { take, map, retryWhen, delayWhen, tap } = RxOperators;

const source = take(5)(interval(1000));

  map(val => {
    if (val >= 3) {
      throw val;
    return val;
  retryWhen(errors =>
      delayWhen(val => timer(1000))

But the stream restarts at the beginning, it doesn’t just retry the last one:

rxjs stream flowing

Is it possible to achieve what I want? I tried other operators from docs as well, no luck. Would it be kinda against RxJS philosophy somehow?