How do I let the browser allow me to use imports? (TypeScript)


I have these two TypeScript files:

// something.ts

let x = 3;

export default x;
// index.ts

import x from "./something";


under these tsconfig.json settings:

    "target": "es2016",
    // "module": "commonjs" /* <- commented out */

when I compile this into JavaScript, I get these two files (which is what I expect):

// something.js

let x = 3;
export default x;
// index.js

import x from "./something";

Now, I’ve linked the index.js file from my HTML file like so:

<script src="./dist/index.js"></script>


When I try opening this up using Live Server, I get this error in the console:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

So, how do I fix this?

What I’ve tried

  1. Adding back the "module": "commonjs" line in my tsconfig.json file

This results in a different error message appearing in the console:

Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined

As per this SO post, a suggested solution is to comment out the "module": "commonjs" line, which essentially throws my situation into an infinite loop…

  1. Adding "type": "module" to the <script> tag and package.json

From this SO post, a suggested solution is to add "type": "module" to the <script> tag:

<script type="module" src="./dist/index.js"></script>

but now I get this error message:

GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found).

In the same post, another suggestion was to add “type”: “module” to the package.json file:

  "type": "module",
  "dependencies": {
    "typescript": "^4.6.2"

and from what I’ve observed, this doesn’t really do anything.