PHP nl2br for text content but make it exclude on javascript content

I need to use nl2br function on page content coming from DB. But <br /> tag added to into javascript content too.

<script type="text/javascript"><br />
let test = "test";<br />
let menu = "menu";<br />

Firstly for make add br to all content and than remove br from javascript content, I did try this:

//content coming from db
$content = nl2br($content);
$content = preg_replace("/<scriptb[^>]*>([sS]*?)</scriptb[^>]*>/m", str_replace("<br />", "", nl2br($content)), $content);
echo $content;

Result: br not added into javascript but javascript and text content did come twice (br didn’t worked on first text content but worked on second text content)

How can I exclude br in javascript code?