Issue with Mongodb pre-defined javascript

I keep getting, Missing ";" before statement error in Mongodb Atlas Online. I am new to this, and I fail to see why the following lines gives this error:

const counter = await counterCollection.findOneAndUpdate({_id: changeEvent.ns },{ $inc: { seq_value: 1 }}, { returnNewDocument: true, upsert : true});


const updateRes = await targetCollection.updateOne({_id: docId},{ $set: doc});

Full code:

exports = function(changeEvent) {
  const docId = changeEvent.fullDocument._id;
  const counterCollection ="Cluster0").db(changeEvent.ns.db).collection("counters");
  const targetCollection ="Cluster0").db(changedEvent.ns.db).collection(changeEvent.ns.coll);
  const counter = await counterCollection.findOneAndUpdate({_id: changeEvent.ns },{ $inc: { seq_value: 1 }}, { returnNewDocument: true, upsert : true});
  const doc = {};
  doc[`${changeEvent.ns.coll}Id`] = counter.seq_value;
  const updateRes = await targetCollection.updateOne({_id: docId},{ $set: doc});
  console.log(`Updated ${JSON.stringify(changeEvent.ns)} with counter ${counter.seq_value} result: ${JSON.stringify(updateRes)}`);

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