node express chart js data parsing/rendering issue

Excel Data

Date    Percentage
04-03-22 (H)    80
05-03-22 (H)    55
06-03-22 (H)    20
07-03-22 (H)    49
08-03-22 (H)    61
09-03-22 (H)    73
TODAY (P)   23
11-03-22 (P)    64

Controller code

datavCenterSpacePredictionModelData = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workbook.Sheets[sheet_name_list[3]]); 

Passing this object to view

await res.render('dashboard', { vCenterSpace:datavCenterSpacePredictionModelData})

In my view I am not able to parse/loop through this data so that it can be passed on to chartjs object.
Chart object need labels and data

const zschart = new Chart(document.getElementById("chartjs-0"), {
                                    "type": "line",
                                    "data": {
                                        "labels": ["04-03-22 (H)","05-03-22 (H)","06-03-22 (H)","07-03-22 (H)","08-03-22 (H)","09-03-22 (H)","TODAY (P)","11-03-22 (P)","12-03-22 (P)","13-03-22 (P)","14-03-22 (P)","15-03-22 (P)"],
                                        "datasets": [{
                                            "label": "Usage in %",
                                            "data": [80,55,20,49,61,73,23,64,60,91,70,95],
                                            "fill": false,
                                            "borderColor": "rgb(75, 192, 192)",
                                            "lineTension": 0.1
                                    "options": {}

when I am trying to get this value, is returning me object. I am checking type of object it is returning me string

var vCenterSpace = ('<%=vCenterSpace%>') //value of node js object into JS
alert(typeof(vCenterSpace ))

I want to dynamically pass these value as below.
These are hardcoded values

"labels": ["04-03-22 (H)","05-03-22 (H)","06-03-22 (H)","07-03-22 (H)",
"data": [80,55,20,49,61,73,23,64,60,91,70,95],

Its all getting messed up, not able to understand how this resolve this.