Reset Stack Navigators is nested inside Drawer Navigator

First of all, I would like to present My Navigation State:

■ RootStack (Stack)
   ▪ MainDrawer (Drawer)
      ▪ ServicesNavigator (Stack)
      ▪ TurnTrackingNavigator (Stack)
      ▪ EmployeesNavigator (Stack)

in ServicesNavigator, I build the App with ServicesStack –> ServiceDetails Screen.
enter image description here

*I press the Services of MainDrawer it navigate ServicesStack, When my App to ServiceDetails Screen, I right away use the Drawer to go to another Stack (ex: EmployeesNavigator), and then I press the Services in Drawer to back ServicesScreen.
But it native Stack ServiceDetails (that Stack stored), what I need is ServicesStack.

I want to ask how can when I click Drawer it resets the stack or what way to resolve.