JSON type object only has parse and stringify methods, but I want to access the objects data

I have a project with NestJS, Typescript and Typeorm. I’m working with the following class Entity

class Event {
user: string,
createdAt: Date,
type: string,
data: JSON

In one of my methods I’m making a query to get some events, but I want to access just a few properties of the data attribute because the object has a lot information I don’t really need. The problem is that when I try to access the json, for example: receivedEvent.data.myProperty typescript tells me that this property is not available in type JSON. The only solution I can think of is changing the type of the data attribute to a string and parse it to json after the query, but I want to know if there is any other solution to this. This is the code I’m using to query the events:

async getLogs(loanId: string): Promise<Event[]> {
    const events = await this.eventRepository.find({
      select: ['createdAt', 'user', 'type', 'data'],
      where: {
        type: In([
        data: Raw(
          /* istanbul ignore next */
          () => 'data->"$.GUID" = :id',
          { id: loanId },
      order: {
        id: 'DESC',


    return events.map(e=>{
      /// This is where my problem is
      const json: any = {"withdrawReason": e.data.withdrawReason}
      return {...e, data: json}