TypeScript – using recursive generics properly

I am trying to use recursive generics in a way I can get a lot of help from editor.

Here is an example:

interface ServiceEndpointNode {
  self: string;
  context?: Record<string, ServiceEndpointNode>

const ServiceEndpoints: ServiceEndpointNode = {
  self: 'BASE_URL',
  context: {
    songs: {
      self: 'GET_SONGS',
      context: {
        getSong: {
          self: 'GET_SONG',
        getContributors: {
          self: 'GET_CONTRIBUTORS',

This works properly and the structure is strict, but I don’t got help from the editor. For example I want help like:


But because I only told the typing that the context should be a string I don’t really receiving help about the traversable object. I guess I need to be include some generics or something, but don’t know how to achieve that. 🙁

So I want to have to maintain this strict structure, yet get help from the editor for all the possible routes, keys, etc.